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Newcastle Rocks!!!!

So i've finally worked out how to update this thing (with McGuire's iunput...obviously!) .........
I have news on Newcastle but just waitin on the photos so, going to keep u hanging on a little this space!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Only 3 hours sleep, but minted!

So the eventful flookburgh car booty eventually arrived and yes you guessed it, it was raining! Comes with the territory I suppose, any event that I seemingly have anything to do with comes with shite weather. So I (squeaky mc) was singing at St Pats Club last night, to a massive audience of about 20 people! and got home at 2am knowing that I promised to pick Steph up to do a car booty at 6am and still haven't bothered to venture into my spare room (junk room) to gather my crap to sell to the crowds! I climbed into bed and no later than my head had hit the pillow, Stephanie Davey rang to check I was out of bed and getting ready, God! It was 5. 30am what were we thinking about and to top it off it was raining. But Oh no, Steph who has researched the car booty market said we have gotta go!

5.30AM - telephone call.
Carly: Steph its raining, are you sure you want to go?
Steph: Its not raining! (full of optimism and positive thinking)
Carly: Steph have you looked outside this morning?
Steph: No but it will be alright!!!!!!

Great stuff, I clamber my clothes on without so much as brushing my hair, I brushed my teeth, grabbed a load of boxes from the spare room that I boxed up ages ago and went to stephs house! I arrived to a mountain of shoes and clothes Irons, books, remote control car and a t.v.!
We drove to Flookburgh with the car full to the rafters and stuff on our laps and set up pitch without about 5 other car boot enthusiasts (nutters), to set up our table in the rain. Armed with the party parasols we were ready just in time for the car booters who arrived about 10am (yes we stood half asleep for 3 hours in the rain first, just for the crack!) Ha ha

After I sold a few bargains I got the buzz, I was shouting to passers buy

"All books, handbags,trickets 50p, all jewllery a £1 - unworn earrings from warehouse"
We got a few sales despite the rain
Steph was battering old men for and extra 20p (whoops that was supposed to say bartering, we weren't that desperate!) and we made a few quid, (make it £1.70 and you've got a deal!)
Steph made £45 and I made £65 and we still had a full car when we came home.

Oh and Steph pulled!
A lad at the end of the day came up to steph and said;

"I just wanted you to know that you have made my day, being able to look up from my stall and see your smiling face today, Thankyou" - and asked for her number when he left but she sensibly declined.

I am so tierd now but it was worth it and when we left at 1pm we were already organising our next booty - we are taking the gazeboo, a clothes rail, 2 tables and pricing items and everything, true booty proffesionals.

Anyway - hope you have had a laugh reading about our day.
Now stop hogging all the sunshine and send some our way xxxxx

Glastonbury 2!

Oh well, the bloody garden party was a wash out! It poured down, and my mums rather posh lawn is now a mud bath! Everybody seemed to av a good time though. I drank a few bottles of champers so didn't care that everything and everyone was wet and the band still played in the garden despite the weather. My mates came up from uni and Cath and Steph obviously came. My dad was too wasted to take photo's - nowt new there. Will try and get some photos or videos to you all soon!

Where is all the sunshine!!!!!