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I always like to keep my life busy and my brain active so I have recently joined a Holistic Therapy School to learn Reflexology. Its a 12 month course for which I will receive a full vocational certificate in Reflexology, allowing me to practice on willing clients.

So what is Reflexology?

Reflexology is complementary therapy, which works on the reflexology points on the feet or hands to aid healing to the whole person not just to prevailing symptoms.

Reflexology may be used to help restore and maintain the body's natural equilibrium. This gentle therapy encourages the body to work naturally to restore its own healthy balance.

There is some suggestion that reflexology may aid:

Stress related conditions, Back Pain, Headaches, Fertility Issues, sleep disorders and hormonal imbalances to name a few...

Around the world and throughout history, reflexology has been rediscovered time and time again. Archeological evidence points to ancient reflexology medical practices in Egypt (2330 BCE), China (2704 BCE) and Japan (690 CE).

I was amazed that straight away I was able to detect the areas on my feet which directly link to known medical conditions. It's really is amazing, and if you would like to have a taster session, I need clients for my course so let me know.

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