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Goodbye Katie & Steph

Well bon voyage to the next lot of travelers, have a great time and dont forget to leave us comments of how you are getting on, on the blog!
Love ya Loads
Carly xxxx

Another Bon Voyage!

Katie Olivers Leaving Party. The house was packed to the rafters, unfortunatly Steph was poorly so we didnt to get round to her's :(

Me, Cath and Kt Mugwai said the first of our goodbyes before Tuesday night!

I took a few pics as usual .......................................................


Squeaky Mc. BSc(Hons) - Nuclear Health Physicist at your service.

Started my new job on Monday, really enjoying it and can't wait till pay day! Got to go to Gosport for 12 weeks to do my postgraduate diploma and loads of other stuff! Can't say too much incase the Russians log on to my site!!!!!!

Got a nice office with a nice big fancy desk and a great view - really its the best view in Barrow, wish I could take a photo. (Dont laugh Michelle - I'm not exagerating!)

I bought loads of posh clothes, suits, killer heels, handbags the lot and was promptly handed a pair of bover boots a hard hat and a boiler suit on my first day - gutted!
Only have to go out on site every now and again though so spend the rest of the time posing in my office and you shall be so proud. I have worn make-up everyday and brushed my hair, yes everyday. I know its only Wednesday but I think i'm doing well.

Update you soon.
Signing off - The Genius xxxx

Party at Caths House Fri 27th Dec

Party at Caths House: Sorry I forgot to put these in order

By the way you can now add comments to this site as requested!!!

Photos to follow - a good nite had by all - by the way Andrew your sister is a nutter!
( And I thought you were funny!)


Happy new Year Everybody!

I can't believe it 2008! Another year over and another year to start my diet! Haha
I am glad we have started this blog to share the memories and good times we have shared with one another in 2007, and hope that 2008 will bring even more happy and treasured memories.

Katie and Steph will soon be leaving and will be reading this blog instead of featuring on it, and hopefully Michelle will be able to help me keep writing this one when she comes home. If she stays for long that is!

I am glad to have such good friends and family and wish you all health, wealth and happiness for 2008! Have a good one!

Carly xxxx

A Few New Years Eve Photos - All the McGuires were up singing- well it wouldnt be a party otherwise!