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Hurray! Stephs party photos have safetly returned from Tenerife.

God I was wasted!!! Kt Oliver have finally got her face on the blog!

Here are Stephs suprise 23rd birthday party photographs as promised. They were safetly returned with the camera my Dad took to Tenerife. By the way if Steph Davey or Cath or Kt is reading this - Marley has chewed my mobile yet again and I have lost all my numbers so can't ring you. Dont forget my graduation pary is August 4th Saturday 3pm - Late.
Hope you all like the photo's. Update you again soon.
Don't worry andrew I shall be out and about with the camera soon to see which jolly Barrovians we can take photo's of. Oh and I forgot to say, my Andrew has bought me a new car after I smashed my last one into a lampost after 3 weeks - yes I am a totally wally. Anyway I am now mobile so no more bloody push iron!!!! Hurray xxx

Have to go 101 more job applications to fill in, Love Carly xxxx
(scroll down for more photos)

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