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Why do these things always happen to me!

Mugwai : I'll start from the beginning of this little tale.

I have been at my mums all day in my scratty clothes, decorating a dolls house for age concern (mums idea) anyway when I came home tonight at 9.00pm I was covered in paint and Andrew and Kt's Boyfriend Phil were playing a game called Guitar Hero on the PS3 and having a few bevy's.

Anyway, I didn't want to miss out on the fun so I ran upstairs, took of my addidas pants off and quickly put my black jeans on from yesterday that were on the bedroom floor. I started rocking out to guitar hero on the mat in the front room.

Jumping up and down being silly; a few air guitar moves and a few kicks when suddenly, something flew across the living room???????????

Whats that? said Andrew

It was only then that I saw. Oh know you might say.......................................................

Yes it was! Yesturdays Knicks that were left in my jeans.

I quickly ran and grabbed them and ran upstairs, when I came down Phil was pretending not to have noticed and Andrew was wetting his pants laughing.

Cringe Factor 5/5. But I had to have a laugh about it. I cried laughing for about 10mins.

Why does it always happen to me! hahahahahahahahah ........

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