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Day at the Zoo 18th August 2008

Me & Andrew took my two little cousins to Dalton Zoo, unfortunately the English weather didn't bless us with much sunshine, but we all had a good day followed by happy meals

Note that some of the pictures were taken by Caragh - aged 4. She was so cute! Takes after me - she wants to be the next David Bailey. Haha.

Kids say the funniest things:

I was in the shop, queuing up for the delightful orange umbrella, when Brogan ran in an said "Carly, Carly, did you see that man, the Black man outside; he was pulling a funny face." I intantly pictured a man with something wrong with him or something stood outside the shop, and completly ignored her comment pretending she didn't say anything and proceeded to purchase my umbrella, extremely red faced. When I stepped out of the shop I immediately figured out what the hell she was going on about as Andrew was stood outside with the kids pulling funny faces with a wood carving - I had to laugh, check out the picture!

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