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The Future

As you are all aware I spend most of my free time in the Beauty Salon on my latest beauty fix, however I dont know how I ever got through life without knowing my latest news.

I am booking my very first Universal Contour Body Wrap

The scientifically proven inch loss treatment from Universal Contour Wrap that guarantees you’ll lose at least 6 inches in just 2 hours, making it the perfect solution when you have to look your best for that special occasion.

The 6 inch loss is also guaranteed to stay off for at least 30 days so you can be confident of looking great long after leaving the salon. This may sound too good to be true but with average losses of 10-14 inches from just one treatment, and if you dont lose 6 inches get a treatment absoluley free!

It doesn’t just deliver exceptional inch loss; the unique clay formula and special wrapping techniques the therapists use, also tighten and tone your body while exfoliating and cleansing the skin so you will not only look great, you’ll feel fabulous too, after just one treatment.

Oh it gets better than that!!!

A course of three treatments is advised over a 30 day period with the average loss over the body being 22-25 inches and it is not unusual to lose a whole dress size!

Perfect for holidays and weddings of course.
Nearest Salon to us is in Kendal with Treatments on average:
£45 for a single session - full body and £115 for a course of three.
Sod the new shoes and the diet!

This is deffinatley geting booked!!

Will update you with the results......

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