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Merry Christmas xxxx

Well Merry Christmas, I am well Stuffed!!! Just had my Christmas dinner.
Its not snowing but its bloody cold outside and I'm wrapped up in a fluffy blanket as I speak coz I'm freezing...
Andrew got me a new samsung laptop so I can be happy blogging at 10x the speed... I'm such a geek. Haha and got lots of clothes and things to make!!

Hope Everybody got what they wanted off Santa! ( I'm so spoilt I dont think everything is gonna fit in the car on the way home from my mam and dad's tonight.)
Santa delivered my presents to three houses - he must of been busy!

Merry Christmas and a fantastic new year to you all
Love you all loads (My special friends)
Carly xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Dominican Republic

Well 1 week of chilling out does you the world of good!
Went to a place called paradise island - (Last pisture) Snorkelling was fantastic as the little island was surrounded by a reef, a fish bit my finger though - owch!!!
I didnt know they spoke spanish in the Dominican - you learn something new every day!

Adios Amigo xxx

9th December 2007 - Happy 24th Birthday!

Happy Birthday to you
Happy Birthday to you
Happy Birthday to Sheila
Happy Birthday to You!!!!!!!!

Happy 24th Birthday Shell - Enjoy yourself today as always

Love you Loads
The Girls xxxxxxx ( and Marley xxx)

Jesus!!!! I have to get a remote for that camera, those close ups are terrible. Hahaha
I better start brushing my bloody hair as well. LOL xxxx

You Gotta Love me! hahahaha

Oh! I should of got a cake!

There's only one person who could live in a house like this!

Cath and Andy have finally moved into their new house and its amazing!!!! No exaggerations like I usually do. Everything is gorgeous from the Kettle, to the light switches, the fridge, the laura ashley bed; oh and then theres daisy! (you'll have to ask Cath.) Haha

Any who! Check out the Video clip!

Not long till Christmas

Well its a lovely cold cold morning today and I have a hangover! 1st December, god how time fly's, not long till Shells birthday and Christmas of all bloody things, everybodys saving hard and this week I've made £50 on ebay yeah!!!!!

40th birthday party last night for one of Andrews work mates, I was singing with the band it was packed, great laugh! I have got over my embarrasing moment from last week, I've just made a few more; I wont share them with the world!!! Haha

Not much to report this week, only 15days till I fly to the dominican republic for a relaxing week before the family christmas and 25days till Christmas!!!! (God that means 14days to fit in my fricking bikini )

Caths moved into her new house on Friday - I'll be updating you soon. (Massive!!!)

Adios xxxx

Why do these things always happen to me!

Mugwai : I'll start from the beginning of this little tale.

I have been at my mums all day in my scratty clothes, decorating a dolls house for age concern (mums idea) anyway when I came home tonight at 9.00pm I was covered in paint and Andrew and Kt's Boyfriend Phil were playing a game called Guitar Hero on the PS3 and having a few bevy's.

Anyway, I didn't want to miss out on the fun so I ran upstairs, took of my addidas pants off and quickly put my black jeans on from yesterday that were on the bedroom floor. I started rocking out to guitar hero on the mat in the front room.

Jumping up and down being silly; a few air guitar moves and a few kicks when suddenly, something flew across the living room???????????

Whats that? said Andrew

It was only then that I saw. Oh know you might say.......................................................

Yes it was! Yesturdays Knicks that were left in my jeans.

I quickly ran and grabbed them and ran upstairs, when I came down Phil was pretending not to have noticed and Andrew was wetting his pants laughing.

Cringe Factor 5/5. But I had to have a laugh about it. I cried laughing for about 10mins.

Why does it always happen to me! hahahahahahahahah ........

Steph's tierd and had enough of Mega Day!!!!

Sorry, meant bloody mega week!!! poor thing xx

Take Two ........

Tea and Biscuits at the McGuire-Dacre Household

Me and Steph have just had a brew and read the ball of dirt blog.. and Steph the cheeky cow has come round to do her washing and charge her fricking mobile phone, dont you be getting any ideas when your home coz next week I'm gonna start charging haha.

I liked all the photos, forest gump and mr muscle! whats with the picture of Andrew doing push ups is that to balance out the forest gump impersonations Ha!

You are funny, and where are all these clothes coming from like flowers in your hair, I must remind Michelle Watkinson that you need to make sure you always use sun tan cream, I saw a few very red chested photos!!!!

Keep safe, Love you all!

Carly, oh and little davey sat next to me!!!!!

Scampi apreciation society!!

Me, Steph and Cath all went to the Brown cow for our tea. I got a few funny looks when I photographed my tea to blog for you - thought you might like to know in full detail what we were doing. They had Thai green curry but I had scampi, chips and peas mmmmmmm.......

Celebrated my new job which I am going to hopefully start after xmas and talked about what you all down under might be doing.... as you took a month to update your blog .. tut tut!

Will send your xmas prezzie out with your mum for xmas, yes I'll just send you money and your birthday cards from all in Barrow will have to arrive with the Barrow postlady aka mummy!!!!

Gossip xxxx

Well what can I say, well haven't seen much of Steph and Kian, so no car booty's in the cold! and Cath is still waiting for electricians to finish on her mansion so I am waiting to do my very own version of through the keyhole for the blog! ( I can't wait! Hurry up!)

I have had 2 job offer's in Barrow. One being a Nuclear Health Physicist post at BAE. I have had my porfolio assessed so I am now a practioner in Biomedical Science. Very Posh

It was Bonfire night to night but stayed in with Marley xx God I am bored tonight so thought I would talk to cyberspace. Are you feeling sorry for me yet??

Higher Ground has got a new singer and I am going on holiday in 5 weeks to the Dominican for a break before xmas.

Here is one of our latest pics....

Girly night at the local (cosmo city)

Carly, Cath and Steph all went to the custom house for cosmo's!

Memorial Night for Alanna's Dad! Sat 15th Sept


Went to Brighton Thurs/Fri to top off the week! Got really drunk on cosmo's and nearlly broke my ankle. Andrew carried me back to our b&b in the heart of the gay community. Whoops. They did appreciate his handsome little face though x Oh and we went to look round this palace in Brighton and went to the sealife centre, check out the baby sting ray, it looks like a foetus!

Chester ZOO

Andrew took me to Chester zoo, it was brill we just decided to up sticks and leave for a few days and skieve work. We set off early, stopping off at the services for me to gather a big bag of pick and mix. We arrived at the zoo just after lunch - it was lovely and sunny and the air fresh with elephant dung or was it bear poo! Any way I was totally hyper from all the E no.s in my pick and mix so we were just silly all day and we took loads of photo's and embarrassed each other, or should I say I was embarrassing Andrew. Here's a few pics xxxx

I am blogging genius!!!!!

send videos to and we will do our best to get your message downunder!!!!

Happy Birthday all us oldies!

Its my birthday today and Kt Oliver was 24 on Friday and went to Manchester with Kirsty, Lynsey and the gang. Catherine is 24 in 2 weeks and I am starting to feel old - mid twenties ain't what they cracked up to be!

Got a new coat and some clothes of Andrew, Mum bought me half of warehouse and everything sparkly she could buy and I have loads of cards already - Thanks everybody!

Long Time no Squeak!

Hello, just an update as you may well be aware of. We are 3 car boots down and each £150 up!
Christine brought me a birthday card round - Thankyou! and I ate the lovely choc despite supposed to be on my weight watchers, always tommorow for the diet eh!

Gossip from Barrow:
  • Kt McGuire has left Higher Ground :(
  • The mini is now for sale - finally
  • Steph is the proud owner of a mink coat!!!!! and is now a target of greenpeace!
  • Catherine due to move into her mansion in October.
  • 100mph gales due this weekend - bolt down the hatches walneyites!
  • Kt Mc has got a new house and moved in with her boyfriend Phil on Delhi street-posh!
  • and finally I have a job interview nxt week for a post at Lancaster Hospital although another job at BAE in the pipeline.......

Well thats it not much happening as usual so will update you again xxxxxxx squeak

Newcastle Rocks!!!!

So i've finally worked out how to update this thing (with McGuire's iunput...obviously!) .........
I have news on Newcastle but just waitin on the photos so, going to keep u hanging on a little this space!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Only 3 hours sleep, but minted!

So the eventful flookburgh car booty eventually arrived and yes you guessed it, it was raining! Comes with the territory I suppose, any event that I seemingly have anything to do with comes with shite weather. So I (squeaky mc) was singing at St Pats Club last night, to a massive audience of about 20 people! and got home at 2am knowing that I promised to pick Steph up to do a car booty at 6am and still haven't bothered to venture into my spare room (junk room) to gather my crap to sell to the crowds! I climbed into bed and no later than my head had hit the pillow, Stephanie Davey rang to check I was out of bed and getting ready, God! It was 5. 30am what were we thinking about and to top it off it was raining. But Oh no, Steph who has researched the car booty market said we have gotta go!

5.30AM - telephone call.
Carly: Steph its raining, are you sure you want to go?
Steph: Its not raining! (full of optimism and positive thinking)
Carly: Steph have you looked outside this morning?
Steph: No but it will be alright!!!!!!

Great stuff, I clamber my clothes on without so much as brushing my hair, I brushed my teeth, grabbed a load of boxes from the spare room that I boxed up ages ago and went to stephs house! I arrived to a mountain of shoes and clothes Irons, books, remote control car and a t.v.!
We drove to Flookburgh with the car full to the rafters and stuff on our laps and set up pitch without about 5 other car boot enthusiasts (nutters), to set up our table in the rain. Armed with the party parasols we were ready just in time for the car booters who arrived about 10am (yes we stood half asleep for 3 hours in the rain first, just for the crack!) Ha ha

After I sold a few bargains I got the buzz, I was shouting to passers buy

"All books, handbags,trickets 50p, all jewllery a £1 - unworn earrings from warehouse"
We got a few sales despite the rain
Steph was battering old men for and extra 20p (whoops that was supposed to say bartering, we weren't that desperate!) and we made a few quid, (make it £1.70 and you've got a deal!)
Steph made £45 and I made £65 and we still had a full car when we came home.

Oh and Steph pulled!
A lad at the end of the day came up to steph and said;

"I just wanted you to know that you have made my day, being able to look up from my stall and see your smiling face today, Thankyou" - and asked for her number when he left but she sensibly declined.

I am so tierd now but it was worth it and when we left at 1pm we were already organising our next booty - we are taking the gazeboo, a clothes rail, 2 tables and pricing items and everything, true booty proffesionals.

Anyway - hope you have had a laugh reading about our day.
Now stop hogging all the sunshine and send some our way xxxxx

Glastonbury 2!

Oh well, the bloody garden party was a wash out! It poured down, and my mums rather posh lawn is now a mud bath! Everybody seemed to av a good time though. I drank a few bottles of champers so didn't care that everything and everyone was wet and the band still played in the garden despite the weather. My mates came up from uni and Cath and Steph obviously came. My dad was too wasted to take photo's - nowt new there. Will try and get some photos or videos to you all soon!

Where is all the sunshine!!!!!

Hurray! Stephs party photos have safetly returned from Tenerife.

God I was wasted!!! Kt Oliver have finally got her face on the blog!

Here are Stephs suprise 23rd birthday party photographs as promised. They were safetly returned with the camera my Dad took to Tenerife. By the way if Steph Davey or Cath or Kt is reading this - Marley has chewed my mobile yet again and I have lost all my numbers so can't ring you. Dont forget my graduation pary is August 4th Saturday 3pm - Late.
Hope you all like the photo's. Update you again soon.
Don't worry andrew I shall be out and about with the camera soon to see which jolly Barrovians we can take photo's of. Oh and I forgot to say, my Andrew has bought me a new car after I smashed my last one into a lampost after 3 weeks - yes I am a totally wally. Anyway I am now mobile so no more bloody push iron!!!! Hurray xxx

Have to go 101 more job applications to fill in, Love Carly xxxx
(scroll down for more photos)

Video updates

Video updates are now available at my myspace.

check out my graduation videos by joining myspace and becoming my friend and then we can send you video messages.

Apologies and updates

The final drunkard photo's have been added to the old post>
Sorry for the delay in Stephs party photo's but my Dads took the camera on his Hols for two weeks with the photo card so can't upload them yet.
Keep scrolling down to check out photos and Steph's Photos will appear soon.
Loadsa Love Carly aka David Bailey x

Carly's Graduation

Yes I graduated yesturday - Friday 13th

I didn't trip up and everything went to plan considering the date.

Check out the photo's. Mum, Dad and Andrew all came down for the day and me, Andrew and my mates went out for some bevy's afterwards.

Carly, Cath n Steph have tea!

Yes we are a boring bunch, we have had chicken tikka tonight for our tea!
Cath master chef and the old davey made the tea, I had a brew!

As u know i miss u lots however u r slowly getting replaced (the tikka swung me with Cath and Carls makes a mean brew) Hi Andrew a little birdy tells me you r hot after photos of Anna?
Ciao x x x

Sorry in the delay in Steph's birthday photographs, I got a bit drunk on Saturday and forgot where I left the bloody camera! Dont worry, it's at Sinead's house. Sinead put on a good spread of the old weight watchers food on Saturday, she really did a good job and totally suprised Steph. Me, Steph, Kt O, Sinead Amy, Laurie, and Leanne and also some of Sineads mates hit the town and celebrated in style.
Oh and we had tea at Kt's the other day (well a chinese) We are busy bee's. Still not had a car boot, it never stops bloody raining. I have my graduation on Friday so will send you some dodgy photo's; Oh and don't worry Andrew, I am on an under cover mission in Debenhams with the digital camera!!!!!

Hey Shell, glad I can finally make my mark on this bloody blog; feel a fully fledged member now! I am graduating tomorrorow again at Preston for my PGCE and then I think I'll go for a coffee in the old Brucianni's and maybe a sneaky sundae! Break up on Fri for my six weeks off just hope the weather picks up as Andy and me on our annual camping tour of the lakes! The old tikka went down a treat and now we're settling in with a brew and a bit of birthday cake! Can't beat a night in at the Davey household (especially when the parents are not here-lets hope the camper keeps em away!) Bye for now Shelly! xxxxxx

This is for Andrew:
Hi there fella, how is life treating you on the other side of the pond? So how was your first threesome? Come on don't be shy its all fun and games in those dorms as Shell would say "don't knock it till you've tried it!" Sorry to hear that the camper is on it's last wheels-you should have put your foot down as everyone knows the weight of Michelle Watkinson's wardrobe does nothing for the suspension. Hope you are enjoying all that hard earned postie's money-your job was advertised on the net today! Had 2 postal strikes since you've been away in protest for your return! Take Care and continue to look after our little Shell! Enjoy the rest of your trip and see you soon! Carly, Steph and Cath xxx

Steph's Surprise Party-Friday 6th July

Stephs Suprise Birthday Party at Sinead's house, yes we did suprise her and thankfully she didn't turn up in her pyjamas. Unfortunatly Cath was at a works do so couldn't make it. Photos will be updated shortly so keep checking the blog!